Monday, March 14, 2011

Well it's official. I am not an F1 car....

Just took a stroll round the F1 track while my Baked spud cooks in the oven (large White spud, scored deep in a diagonal grid sprayed with cranola oil and sprinkled with Maldon Rock Salt and mixed dried herbs, to bake for at least 90mins)

Took me 56 mins to do the full 5.3pm track distance. That's a brisk walk not running I must hasten to add. So I guess it's is official that I am not as fast as an F1 car.. :<. Yet another dream shattered.

On the subject of the F1. I'm currently in the Elephant & Wheelbarrow for a post race (walk) pot and have noticed that the two tables nearest the fire have been replaced by a three seated sofa and coffee table. I have got to figure out how to book that for each F1 race (after Albert Park that is)...


OMG I'm such an apple whore now....

iPad (1st gen), iPhone 4, Apple TV (snd Gen), and now an iMac !!!.  For years I've been anti-apple (their users to me seemed like so much sheep)  but I caved and picked up the iPad on launch and that was the start of the long slide into being a Jobsian sycophant. the reason I got the pad was it genuinely seemed new and fresh - the first of its kind - anf thusly i would be leading not following...  

ANYWAY I absolutely love the iPad. It has become the indispensable constant in my electronic life.  10 hour battery means the internet, and thus EVERYTHING, is always to hand.  So when my Phone contract came to an end I jonesed for an iPhone.  would have picked up an 3GS but for the fact My Visa was nearly up no one was interested in giving me a new contract...   So I waited.  Then, on the day I got the notification that im here for another 4 years (:D) i rushed out and got the just released iPhone 4...

Ok last little bit (don't want to bore you too much) finally got fed up of the old and forever busted PC clogging up my desk and the faultily laptop (both windows machines) I recently decided to make the switch. I was gonna buy a mac.  They are better built and if the pad and the phone are anything to go by then it's gonna be a joy to use.  Also is has systems built into it to easily facilitate setting up a dual boot so that you can have your cake and eat it...  (need to get a back up HD for the mac before I attempt that though)

Looking forward to Karaoke on Wednesday. Im in the final to win 2 four day tickets to the F1 :D  which I'm going to weather I win or not :)   After all I can SEE the track from the end of my driveway.  Just got to decide what I want to sing...  

I've got a few new songs I want to learn.. Copperhead road, Days(Kirstry), Break on through, Place your hands, Tears in Heaven, The Scientist, Dakota...  Im tempted by Place your hands.  It's a good crowd pleaser.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Technology hates me!

Ive had one of those days.

I over slept, got in late, then EVERYTHING whent wrong.

Actually everything went wrong on the ass end of Friday just prior to Beer O'Clock and the team meeting... So as the build no longer wanted to work (was bitching about not being able to 'clobber' cirtain files... ) so I took it as a hint and quit for the week..

It was the weekend, I'm allowed, get off my case!!!!!

But that just ment all that shit was waiting for me this morning... Finally all got P4 to get the right files and re- et their properties so I could get a clean build. But then the level I was working on would crash, just after loading, or NED (in house tool) would bug out on export...

For HOURS I went round and round, and up and down, trying to figure out what was wrong. Got a fresh build 4 times in one day (and I'm not even in QA!!!) but nothing helped...

Then I figured out I had forgotten a single vital step in the process from max to in game for a breakable physics object. That was I had forgotten to set the TXS(in house model format) to extended-skinned. DOH!!!!!!

Anyway, that sorted it all worked fine. But that was a day I could have afforded not to waste...